
Sage Spirit Blog

a gathering space for conscious, creative, intuitive, fun, loving earthlings and their ideas. if you’re here, you belong.

Category Archives: Spiritual Entrepreneurs

Chasing Abundance

Today’s blog post is another in our guest-blogger series. You may remember Dana Nöllsch  from his recent guest post, “Walking Oracle.” Today’s post, on “Chasing Abundance” has been a collaborative project for us, in that Dana had the inspiration and … Continue reading

Posted in Abundance Consciousness, Conscious Evolution, Relating, Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Spirituality | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

A Journey of the Spirit

As I write in this moment, I am integrating so many amazing experiences from this fall’s Reno Psychic Fair. In the past several years, I’ve had interesting roles there, contributing on behalf of Reno’s Om Home, a sweet spiritual community, … Continue reading

Posted in Abundance Consciousness, Channeling, Community, Conscious Evolution, Healing, Relating, Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Spirituality | Tagged , , , , , , | 6 Comments

My Spirituality: How I Came to BE Here

Lately I’ve been asked several times to articulate my spiritual history, by new clients and friends, acquaintances, and more. I thought I would take a few minutes to articulate the condensed version for a little context on why I am … Continue reading

Posted in Abundance Consciousness, Channeling, Coaching, Community, Conscious Evolution, Healing, Relating, Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Spirituality | Tagged , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Socha Says: Pondering Unity

Socha says, “Unity lies within and beyond the paradox.” So began my Saturday, just minutes after saying, “I don’t want to channel today. I just want to be normal for a change.” Three hours later, I still floated in and … Continue reading

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Evolutionary Entrepreneurs

Are you an evolutionary entrepreneur? Evolutionary entrepreneurs include artists, writers, healing practitioners, plus anyone who feels a sense of calling to a profession from accountants to investment brokers. Many have philanthropist-hearts and are cultural creatives, who find joy blending spirituality … Continue reading

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Suprasexual Evolution

The species has entered the next phase of our journey, the menopause of our existence, where our creativity will turn less physical and more spiritual. The planet needs more wisdom now, more than it needs more children. Men and women … Continue reading

Posted in Conscious Evolution, Relating, Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Spirituality | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Guest Blogging for Sages

Part of the vision for Sage Spirit Coaching & Reiki includes enhanced connection among “Sage Community.” There are so many sages in our midst, who contribute so much sageness to sage spirit. Are you a spiritual entrepreneur, artist, healing arts … Continue reading

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Cosmic Visibility, Intuition and the Conscious Evolutionary

I have struggled with visibility, or as one client so eloquently labels it, exposure. Launching the web site was a huge hurdle for me in allowing for visibility. The source of my hurdle may be described practically as simple shyness. … Continue reading

Posted in Conscious Evolution, Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Spirituality | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Unabashed Truth of a Spiritual Entrepreneur

Are you an entrepreneur by nature or a reluctant one? Are you thinking of starting up your own business or partnerships, aligning with your dream or destiny? Or have you recently taken that big step, wondering what is next and … Continue reading

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