
Sage Spirit Blog

a gathering space for conscious, creative, intuitive, fun, loving earthlings and their ideas. if you’re here, you belong.

Monthly Archives: April 2013

Hatun Yan, The Great Path

In October of 2011, I began a deeper journey into the medicine wheel, filling a deep longing I’ve had nearly all of my life. The medicine wheel teachings from the Four Winds Society  and Jeffre TallTrees Ph.D. of Sacred Rainbow … Continue reading

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Conscious Evolution Tip: Control & Surrender

Socha reminds us: The infant knows that she is one with the mother. Soon she learns that the mother may be gone, that she can be alone, and that she can feel isolated. When we believe, as we’ve been taught, … Continue reading

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What Lies Beyond the Shadow of Fear?

When there is great disappointment, we don’t know if that’s the end of the story. It may be the beginning of a great adventure.  ~ Pema Chödrön In these times of transition and transformation, fear seems a natural byproduct of … Continue reading

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Fourth-Density Relationships: Re-blogged from Robert JR Graham

Well it seems that the theme of relationships that I covered in my last blog post, Relating & New World Paradigm, really benefited some of you. I came across the blog post below this week, and thought I would share this … Continue reading

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