Sage Spirit Blog

Monthly Archives: October 2014
More Prayers & Daggers
In today’s post, I’m here to remind you… Your struggles and challenges honor us all, for as you embrace them and heal them, you heal us All. You will find more on that below. First, I enjoyed such rich and powerful sessions … Continue reading
Authentic Love: Um, Where’s My Map?
Authenticity. Transparency. Integrity. These are the reasons I write and share. In hopes that my journey – the joys and disappointments, but mostly the learning – will serve you too on your path. Driving Without a Map In choosing a … Continue reading
Beyond “Woundology” and into the Hero’s Journey, in Community
Is harmony one note that everybody is singing? Or is it a whole lot of notes that are in vibrational harmony with each other? When you give your attention to anything, the Universe responds to it. When two of you … Continue reading
Singing the SoulSong of Ceremony
Oh my gosh… welcome to the final quarter of 2014. The “quickening” – a name I’ve heard for the perceived speeding up and strangening of time – seems to be gathering even more momentum. Have you created all you set … Continue reading