Sage Spirit Blog

Tag Archives: ceremony
Solstice Blessings
Happy Winter Solstice for all in the Northern Hemisphere… and Summer Solstice Blessings to all in the Southern… Yesterday, many from our Sage Spirit Community gathered to celebrate our day of balance between day and night, light and darkness. The … Continue reading
Love in Concentric Circles
The Greatest Lie we ever told ourselves is that we are separate from one another. This tender truth is one that Laura Plato, our ceremonialist minister for our wedding, used to begin and end our wedding. Here’s a guiding vision … Continue reading
Reiki Levels I & II Certification – Sacred Reiki Weekend Retreat
Will you let your light expand? Showing up for your own healing and offering healing energies to others contributes to the healing of all-that-is. What do I love most about summer? Warmth, sunshine, nature, camping, hiking, reading, relaxing… so many … Continue reading
More news! More change! More transformation!
Once upon a time, I resisted or slowed the pace of change in my life in order to preserve what little sense of grounding I tend to have. I think I’m getting better at maintaining my center even as I … Continue reading
Why, Yes
“Will you marry me?” Well, I can tell you that after more than a decade of avoiding the marriage archetype as a personal choice, I never thought I would hear these words again. Dana shared this as the preamble: “We … Continue reading
Authentic Love: Um, Where’s My Map?
Authenticity. Transparency. Integrity. These are the reasons I write and share. In hopes that my journey – the joys and disappointments, but mostly the learning – will serve you too on your path. Driving Without a Map In choosing a … Continue reading
Singing the SoulSong of Ceremony
Oh my gosh… welcome to the final quarter of 2014. The “quickening” – a name I’ve heard for the perceived speeding up and strangening of time – seems to be gathering even more momentum. Have you created all you set … Continue reading
Reboot & Rebirth Ceremonies
Between my ego-self and my enlightened-self, there dwells my guiding-self or my evolutionary-self. I call her “Love,” and she BE my guide in all ways, always. In my blog post, “New Moon and Solstice Blessings,” I wrote about the power … Continue reading
New Moon & Solstice Blessings
Last weekend, several goddesses gathered for a “New Moon in June Goddess Ceremony: A Celebration of Luminous Women Sisterhood.” Oh my gosh, that was a super-fun and profound experience! We found a suggested new moon ceremony format from Mystic Mamma … Continue reading
Creating Sacred Space
Creating sacred space or “opening the directions” is a powerful way to invoke presence and sacredness in the moment. I find this wildly useful when facilitating workshops, when creating any sort of ceremony or ritual, or when preparing for … Continue reading