Sage Spirit Blog

Tag Archives: conscious relating
Lynx and Secrets, Lies & Shadow
Our shadows hold the essence of who we are. They hold our most treasured gifts. By facing these aspects of ourselves, we become free to experience our glorious totality: the good and the bad, the dark and the light. It … Continue reading
Why, Yes
“Will you marry me?” Well, I can tell you that after more than a decade of avoiding the marriage archetype as a personal choice, I never thought I would hear these words again. Dana shared this as the preamble: “We … Continue reading
All Love, Beautiful Love
Nearly a decade ago, Dana and I came together for an experiment in love. Of course, we are known to be a bit contrarian, so rather than following the precepts of monogamy, marriage, kids, happily-ever-after and til-death-do-us-part as a foundation … Continue reading
Letting Love Lead – A Guest Blog Post by Alluvia Love
Relationships/connections are primarily about Love over any individual’s needs and when Love is allowed to lead, individual needs are met. This is possible because Love, and not ego, determines the way individual needs are met in accordance with the needs … Continue reading
Authentic Love: Um, Where’s My Map?
Authenticity. Transparency. Integrity. These are the reasons I write and share. In hopes that my journey – the joys and disappointments, but mostly the learning – will serve you too on your path. Driving Without a Map In choosing a … Continue reading
Beyond “Woundology” and into the Hero’s Journey, in Community
Is harmony one note that everybody is singing? Or is it a whole lot of notes that are in vibrational harmony with each other? When you give your attention to anything, the Universe responds to it. When two of you … Continue reading
Out of the Closet: Into the Light of Expanded Love
“As our minds are illumined, we become better at romance because we become better at being human. We become better at forgiveness and support and love. The enlightened world will not be one in which no one ever falls in … Continue reading
Dance of Desire in Relating
While we breathe, live, and love, we also dream and desire. It’s the creative impulse born through us. We are one with the dance of the divine that stimulates change, growth and our alignment with our destinies. I’m sharing this … Continue reading
Cosmic Mission
I am new to Matt Kahn of True Divine Nature, but I feel compelled to share the video below with you. I found it through Tania Marie’s blog, and her thoughts about it guided me to give it a few minutes listen. … Continue reading
Relating & New World Paradigm
In these tumultuous winds of change, it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. We are all doing deep soul work. Honoring all journeys, without judgment or blame, and in complete recognition that all is well, will bring peace, … Continue reading