Sage Spirit Blog

Tag Archives: projection
Into the Darkness
Darkness… who wants to talk about darkness? On Wednesday night, October 19, at Reno’s Center for Spiritual Living, Alchemist Theatre will be presenting, “Darkness.” In preparation, Jessica Levity created a wildly creative vlog with me, that you can access here … Continue reading
Authentic Love: Um, Where’s My Map?
Authenticity. Transparency. Integrity. These are the reasons I write and share. In hopes that my journey – the joys and disappointments, but mostly the learning – will serve you too on your path. Driving Without a Map In choosing a … Continue reading
Shadow Dance
In our conscious evolutionary journey, we often find the need to clear the energies around our shadows, aspects of ourselves that we prefer not to see. These shadows are not negative per se, but we may perceive them that way, … Continue reading