
Sage Spirit Blog

a gathering space for conscious, creative, intuitive, fun, loving earthlings and their ideas. if you’re here, you belong.

Tag Archives: shamanism

Into the Darkness

Darkness… who wants to talk about darkness? On Wednesday night, October 19, at Reno’s Center for Spiritual Living, Alchemist Theatre will be presenting, “Darkness.”  In preparation, Jessica Levity created a wildly creative vlog with me, that you can access here … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Conscious Evolution, Healing, Relating, Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Spirituality | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Spiritual Stamina and the Evolving “Shaman in Love”

There is a question that a warrior has to ask, mandatorily: Does this path have a heart? All paths are the same: they lead nowhere. However, a path without a heart is never enjoyable. On the other hand, a path … Continue reading

Posted in Conscious Evolution, Healing, Relating, Spirituality, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Path of the “Wounded Healer” and New Age Abuse

The archetypal path of the “wounded healer” may be painful and frightening, but the gifts when they come are always remarkable. I use “wounded” in quotes because I regard us all as naturally creative, resourceful and whole, regardless of circumstance. … Continue reading

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Creating Sacred Space

  Creating sacred space or “opening the directions” is a powerful way to invoke presence and sacredness in the moment. I find this wildly useful when facilitating workshops, when creating any sort of ceremony or ritual, or when preparing for … Continue reading

Posted in Conscious Evolution, Healing, Relating, Spirituality | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments

My Spirituality: How I Came to BE Here

Lately I’ve been asked several times to articulate my spiritual history, by new clients and friends, acquaintances, and more. I thought I would take a few minutes to articulate the condensed version for a little context on why I am … Continue reading

Posted in Abundance Consciousness, Channeling, Coaching, Community, Conscious Evolution, Healing, Relating, Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Spirituality | Tagged , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Our Mythic Maps

We express our lives through an intricate web of stories, unique to each of us, that shapes our perspective of who we are and our relationship with All-That-Is. We might call this perspective our “mythic map.” In my shamanic tradition, … Continue reading

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