
Sage Spirit Blog

a gathering space for conscious, creative, intuitive, fun, loving earthlings and their ideas. if you’re here, you belong.

Category Archives: Coaching

Sky Spirit Shamans: The Medicine Path of the Heart-Full Healer

Certification Program –Sky Spirit Shamans: The Medicine Path of the Heart-Full Healer For the Healing of All Our Relations Now enrolling the class of 2023 (to begin in March 2021). We have a website especially for this offering… visit new … Continue reading

Posted in Abundance Consciousness, Channeling, Coaching, Community, Conscious Evolution, Healing, Relating, Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Spirituality | Tagged | 10 Comments

Sky Spirit Shamans: A Call to Rainbow Warriors

It’s not unusual of late to wake at 3am feeling waves of light activation filling my body, mind and spirit, to feel so alive and invigorated that I can barely wait to create. My spirit feels so called to Sky … Continue reading

Posted in Channeling, Coaching, Community, Conscious Evolution, Healing, Relating, Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Spirituality | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Sky Spirit Shamans & the Sacred Journey of the Medicine Wheel

We are excited by all the interest in Sky Spirit Shamans. We already have several people enrolled, and we are about 2/3 full. If you’ve been curious to know a little more about Sky Spirit or the Sacred Journey of … Continue reading

Posted in Channeling, Coaching, Community, Conscious Evolution, Healing, Relating, Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Spirituality | Tagged , , | 7 Comments

Way To Go! 2016!

    And so it begins… The final couple of weeks of 2015 felt like so much clearing and prepping, making way for what feels like a huge leap forward. I am willing and I am ready! Are you? We … Continue reading

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Short-Cut to Shadows

I’ve shared many times on the value of shadow-work in expanding our consciousness in this blog space (you can search “shadow” here to see them, if you wish). Here’s just a simple review of how to dig in and do … Continue reading

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Six Magickal Years!

Today we celebrate six magickal years of Sage Spirit Coaching & Reiki. It began with a subtle intuition way back in 2007 that my career would end, that my life would change. I thought: What would I want to create … Continue reading

Posted in Coaching, Community, Conscious Evolution, Healing, Relating, Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Spirituality | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Expansion, Contraction and the Dance-of-Destiny

A couple of years ago, I shared a blog post on Expansion and Contraction. What I am noticing now is that bursts of expansion are provoking clouds of contraction so quickly and profoundly. I wish it was just me, but … Continue reading

Posted in Abundance Consciousness, Channeling, Coaching, Conscious Evolution, Spirituality | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Loving What Is Workshop: “The Work” of Byron Katie Presented by Joy Day

Loving What Is Workshop: “The Work” of Byron Katie Friday & Saturday, January 9 & 10, 2015   Presented by Joy Day, Byron Katie School for The Work Graduate Sponsored by: Sage Spirit Coaching & Reiki I’d be happier if I had … Continue reading

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The Value of Body Wisdom

  At the center of your being you have the answer, you know who you are and you know what you want. ~ Lao Tzu I identify at least two types of intuition. One source lies in the gut, as … Continue reading

Posted in Channeling, Coaching, Conscious Evolution, Healing, Relating, Spirituality | Tagged , , , , | 9 Comments

Five Incredible Years of Sage Spirit: Celebrating Community and Prosperity

Photo by Dana Nollsch, www.PhotoZen.us Five years ago Sunday, June 1, I posted the very first Sage Spirit blog post announcing the birth of this beloved endeavor of my soul and spirit, Sage Spirit Coaching & Reiki. I have been … Continue reading

Posted in Abundance Consciousness, Coaching, Community, Conscious Evolution, Healing, Relating, Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Spirituality | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments