
Sage Spirit Blog

a gathering space for conscious, creative, intuitive, fun, loving earthlings and their ideas. if you’re here, you belong.

Tag Archives: spiritual entrepreneurs

Six Magickal Years!

Today we celebrate six magickal years of Sage Spirit Coaching & Reiki. It began with a subtle intuition way back in 2007 that my career would end, that my life would change. I thought: What would I want to create … Continue reading

Posted in Coaching, Community, Conscious Evolution, Healing, Relating, Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Spirituality | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Evolutionary Entrepreneurs

Are you an evolutionary entrepreneur? Evolutionary entrepreneurs include artists, writers, healing practitioners, plus anyone who feels a sense of calling to a profession from accountants to investment brokers. Many have philanthropist-hearts and are cultural creatives, who find joy blending spirituality … Continue reading

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Unabashed Truth of a Spiritual Entrepreneur

Are you an entrepreneur by nature or a reluctant one? Are you thinking of starting up your own business or partnerships, aligning with your dream or destiny? Or have you recently taken that big step, wondering what is next and … Continue reading

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