Sage Spirit Blog

Tag Archives: community
Wisdom Keepers Gathering: For the Healing of All our Relations
All Wisdom is Worthy February 20 – March 20 – Virtual Community, Facebook March 20, 2015 – Leadership & Support Team Gathering (optional) March 21, 2015 Ceremony in Reno, Nevada North Valleys Are you ready to embrace the wholeness … Continue reading
Pinch Me!
All I can do, in this moment, is express my deepest gratitude for all who shared the weekend with Dana and me here at OdaBe. We had one of the most remarkable, magical sagey-spirity weekends imaginable. I drew this card … Continue reading
Beyond “Woundology” and into the Hero’s Journey, in Community
Is harmony one note that everybody is singing? Or is it a whole lot of notes that are in vibrational harmony with each other? When you give your attention to anything, the Universe responds to it. When two of you … Continue reading
New Moon & Solstice Blessings
Last weekend, several goddesses gathered for a “New Moon in June Goddess Ceremony: A Celebration of Luminous Women Sisterhood.” Oh my gosh, that was a super-fun and profound experience! We found a suggested new moon ceremony format from Mystic Mamma … Continue reading
A Journey of the Spirit
As I write in this moment, I am integrating so many amazing experiences from this fall’s Reno Psychic Fair. In the past several years, I’ve had interesting roles there, contributing on behalf of Reno’s Om Home, a sweet spiritual community, … Continue reading
Community and Evolution
As earth continues her dance of purification and the shaking and moving intensifies, you will be impulsed to cluster together to enhance existing communities or form new communities. Each community will grow and flourish based on its member’s abilities to … Continue reading
Socha Says: Community and the Dance of Belonging
Ah, it’s been an interesting couple of weeks with Mercury Retrograde providing some antics on my Internet connection. Did you notice I sent no ezine, offered no blog post last week? Well, you were in my thoughts and blessings, but … Continue reading
Unity Consciousness
there are days… when i feel my love rise up and through me, emanating through the cosmos, reaching you and you and you, tickling and dancing and flying… when i feel so connected to Source that i wonder that i … Continue reading
Evolutionary Entrepreneurs
Are you an evolutionary entrepreneur? Evolutionary entrepreneurs include artists, writers, healing practitioners, plus anyone who feels a sense of calling to a profession from accountants to investment brokers. Many have philanthropist-hearts and are cultural creatives, who find joy blending spirituality … Continue reading
Wandering and Lusting
Shamelessly and somewhat spontaneously, I played hooky from responsibility for the better part of three days this week. After a decade of radical introversion, I feel like I’ve been on some wild vacation. So, how did my wandering and lusting … Continue reading