
Sage Spirit Blog

a gathering space for conscious, creative, intuitive, fun, loving earthlings and their ideas. if you’re here, you belong.

Tag Archives: spirit guides

Sky Spirit Shamans: Concentric Circles of Love

The Greatest Lie we ever told ourselves is that we are separate from one another. ~ Laura Plato A guiding vision for all my creations, years in the making, has become manifest in the most magical of ways. Today we … Continue reading

Posted in Channeling, Community, Conscious Evolution, Healing, Relating, Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Spirituality | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Love in Concentric Circles

The Greatest Lie we ever told ourselves is that we are separate from one another. This tender truth is one that Laura Plato, our ceremonialist minister for our wedding, used to begin and end our wedding. Here’s a guiding vision … Continue reading

Posted in Abundance Consciousness, Channeling, Community, Conscious Evolution, Relating, Spirituality, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

A Soaring-Year as Galactic Shaman

Just as once I shimmied onto the skinny branches of love and relating,  now I do so in my Cosmic Galactic Shaman Sky Dance. Last August, Tim Glenn offered me a solar return reading (these are a great way to … Continue reading

Posted in Channeling, Community, Conscious Evolution, Spirituality | Tagged , , , , , , | 12 Comments

Reboot & Rebirth Ceremonies

Between my ego-self and my enlightened-self, there dwells my guiding-self or my evolutionary-self. I call her “Love,” and she BE my guide in all ways, always. In my blog post, “New Moon and Solstice Blessings,” I wrote about the power … Continue reading

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Socha Says: Dream Bigger

We have another “Socha Says” for you today that expresses some fresh, new beginnings in our Socha Journey. For one, Socha expresses the desire to go deeper with this transmission. Indeed, they do. They enter more deeply the realm of … Continue reading

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Socha Says: Community and the Dance of Belonging

Ah, it’s been an interesting couple of weeks with Mercury Retrograde providing some antics on my Internet connection. Did you notice I sent no ezine, offered no blog post last week? Well, you were in my thoughts and blessings, but … Continue reading

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Socha Says: Pondering Unity

Socha says, “Unity lies within and beyond the paradox.” So began my Saturday, just minutes after saying, “I don’t want to channel today. I just want to be normal for a change.” Three hours later, I still floated in and … Continue reading

Posted in Channeling, Conscious Evolution, Healing, Spiritual Entrepreneurs | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Socha Sessions

During my wonderful journey of connecting with my guides more directly with the inspiring support of Eva Gregory and her guides, Theos, my spirit guides, Socha, and I offered several private sessions to Eva’s clients/students. In each call, Socha connects with … Continue reading

Posted in Channeling, Healing, Spirituality, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Socha Says: Spirit Guides

As a child, I could dream-journey each night to preview the events of the future day. I believed my world to be a frightening place, and I asked God for help. The dreams came, I thought, in response to my … Continue reading

Posted in Channeling, Conscious Evolution, Spirituality | Tagged , , , | 5 Comments