Sage Spirit Blog

Tag Archives: relationship
Exalted Love
Our strict adherence to rationalism has turned out to be less mental sophistication than collective gullibility, and we are ready to consider that what now passes for truth is in many ways fantasy, and what the world calls fantasy includes … Continue reading
Reboot & Rebirth Ceremonies
Between my ego-self and my enlightened-self, there dwells my guiding-self or my evolutionary-self. I call her “Love,” and she BE my guide in all ways, always. In my blog post, “New Moon and Solstice Blessings,” I wrote about the power … Continue reading
Spiritual Partnership: New Paradigm Love & Community
Love is a state of being and not so much an emotion. ~ Dana Nöllsch Our relationship to relationship evolves – just as we evolve, just as everything else in our world seems to be transforming right before our … Continue reading
Fourth-Density Relationships: Re-blogged from Robert JR Graham
Well it seems that the theme of relationships that I covered in my last blog post, Relating & New World Paradigm, really benefited some of you. I came across the blog post below this week, and thought I would share this … Continue reading