
Sage Spirit Blog

a gathering space for conscious, creative, intuitive, fun, loving earthlings and their ideas. if you’re here, you belong.

Tag Archives: transformation

Reboot & Rebirth Ceremonies

Between my ego-self and my enlightened-self, there dwells my guiding-self or my evolutionary-self. I call her “Love,” and she BE my guide in all ways, always. In my blog post, “New Moon and Solstice Blessings,” I wrote about the power … Continue reading

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Matt Kahn: First Wave of Ascension

  The gifts that are awakening in your life and how you step into your potential can awaken the light of consciousness in all hearts. ~ Matt Kahn My spirit guides, Socha (and other guides too), talk about ascension, an … Continue reading

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Healed Healer

This past weekend, we hosted a Reiki Master Teacher workshop on Saturday, bringing four more Reiki Masters into the world. Congratulations to all! On Sunday we hosted a Sacred Reiki Healing Circle, exploring the significance of past lives and setting … Continue reading

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Chasing Abundance

Today’s blog post is another in our guest-blogger series. You may remember Dana Nöllsch  from his recent guest post, “Walking Oracle.” Today’s post, on “Chasing Abundance” has been a collaborative project for us, in that Dana had the inspiration and … Continue reading

Posted in Abundance Consciousness, Conscious Evolution, Relating, Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Spirituality | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Trickster… Transformation

What do you do when you are guided to believe that nothing can be done in the practical, physical realm, and that the only solutions lie in the spiritual or energetic realm? On January 23 and 24, 2013, I encountered … Continue reading

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Impermanence, Fear and “The Work”

Hiking at Red Rocks this weekend, Dana and I noticed a powerful juxtaposition. We could feel the ancientness of the rocks, vivid and vibrant in red, orange, yellow, and white. We could also see and feel the junipers, pines, sage … Continue reading

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Socha Sessions

During my wonderful journey of connecting with my guides more directly with the inspiring support of Eva Gregory and her guides, Theos, my spirit guides, Socha, and I offered several private sessions to Eva’s clients/students. In each call, Socha connects with … Continue reading

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Embracing our “Yes”

The path of consciousness and living authentically may feel like a slippery slope now and then. We may fall short of words to articulate who we are at any given time. We may feel reluctant to allow words to define … Continue reading

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The Shift: What on Earth is Going On?

Do you sometimes have the feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore? At the same time that economic, political, social & other structures seem to be falling away, much that has been concealed by those in power comes into the light. … Continue reading

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Transitions and Transformations, Part II

 The World is Dead, completely gone; Yet I will Live, serenely on.  I acknowledge that this doesn’t really make any sense and that it ends with a preposition. It’s a horrible poem! Yet, I received these words like a sudden … Continue reading

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