
Sage Spirit Blog

a gathering space for conscious, creative, intuitive, fun, loving earthlings and their ideas. if you’re here, you belong.

Healed Healer

Reiki Master Teacher Workshop, April 12, 2014

Reiki Master Teacher Workshop, April 12, 2014

This past weekend, we hosted a Reiki Master Teacher workshop on Saturday, bringing four more Reiki Masters into the world. Congratulations to all! On Sunday we hosted a Sacred Reiki Healing Circle, exploring the significance of past lives and setting aside time for sharing Reiki blessings and prayers on behalf of one another, our friends and families, our community, the broader world and Universe, as well as to specific causes that call to our hearts. As our Reiki community grows stronger, and even more conscious and loving, I celebrate each and every person who has been called to learn Reiki with us. More than eighty have participated in Reiki events offered through Sage Spirit. Eleven have studied to the Master Teacher level, and most have attended multiple events. What an honor when our existing students come to audit classes they have already taken or continue on with their Reiki studies, enjoying the learning while connecting with supportive spiritual community. I love being witness to the many beautiful friendships that form.

We have a small, special Reiki I Workshop on Monday, April 28 from 10am to 6pm. You can find more information here. Let me know if you’re interested in joining us. And don’t forget our plans for a weekend Reiki Retreat, with levels one and two offered together. We’ll be scheduling this soon, for either June or July, so let me know if you would like me to consider dates around your vacation times.

Healed Healer

Healing is different than curing – healing is a deep shift in mind, body and/or spirit to a place of release and acceptance. It may or may not result in a cure or total absence of disease. Healing can allow for a shift or attenuation of dis-ease in any situation. Trusting the Reiki energy is a journey of letting go of the need to control or releasing the need for the ego to be in charge. ~ Robin Fuerst, “Reiki and the Labyrinth,” Reiki News Magazine, Spring 2010.

In our last blog post, we invoked the energies of “healed healer” at the end. Want to fast track that? Spontaneous healing, while always a possibility, isn’t always the best solution for our soul-development. Unless it’s done well, it can also be traumatic on the body. Sometimes our descent into dis-ease is a slow journey of ignoring one intuitive hunch after another. The path to vibrancy doesn’t always mean returning to life as it was before. If we had self-destructive patterns that our bodies wouldn’t tolerate before, we will probably never be able to tolerate them again.

I’ve learned many things on the healing path, for myself and as Conscious Evolution Coach for others. Whether the journey back is from the flu, loss, trauma, or a life-challenging condition, we must first be willing to be well. We must also be willing…

  • To be happy even if we’re not feeling healthy
  • To be grateful every day
  • To see our situation as significant for our soul-growth (even if we don’t yet know how)
  • To face fears
  • To release negativity
  • To choose empowerment
  • To change
  • To embrace courage, strength and perseverance
  • To examine the benefits of not becoming well, and to step aside
  • To explore the psyche deeply in order to become highly self-aware
  • To integrate the shadow expressions that may challenge or even terrify us
  • To love ourselves
  • To allow others to love and nurture us
  • To say “no” to what drains energy
  • To forgive
  • To feel compassion for ourselves and others

To be willing is not the same as being perfect. Just being willing can be a brave new step. And the healing we embrace for ourselves, contributes to the healing of all-that-is.

What are you willing to embrace in service to your healing, transformation and soul journey?

We invite you to share below in the comments section, so we may all benefit from the wisdom that leads to vibrancy and dreams come true.


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