Sage Spirit Blog

Tag Archives: channeling
Love in Concentric Circles
The Greatest Lie we ever told ourselves is that we are separate from one another. This tender truth is one that Laura Plato, our ceremonialist minister for our wedding, used to begin and end our wedding. Here’s a guiding vision … Continue reading
A Soaring-Year as Galactic Shaman
Just as once I shimmied onto the skinny branches of love and relating, now I do so in my Cosmic Galactic Shaman Sky Dance. Last August, Tim Glenn offered me a solar return reading (these are a great way to … Continue reading
Expansion, Contraction and the Dance-of-Destiny
A couple of years ago, I shared a blog post on Expansion and Contraction. What I am noticing now is that bursts of expansion are provoking clouds of contraction so quickly and profoundly. I wish it was just me, but … Continue reading
Hollow Bones
Love is breathing. Breathing is the life of the body and love is the life of the soul. ~ Osho Much of my life-work happens in workshops and private sessions. At times it’s challenging to eek out time for a … Continue reading
Intuition Best Practices
I’ve been teaching many popular workshops on the use of intuition for creating a life of ease. As my dear friend and coach, Laura Plato, says, as explored through her coach training, “life doesn’t have to be easy, but … Continue reading
Socha Says: Soul Contracts
This video-post has been about four months in the making. We had some technical difficulties with the audio track, but with Dana Nöllsch’s persistence, we now have Socha’s thoughts on soul contracts. All in divine timing, right? With our current … Continue reading
My Spirituality: How I Came to BE Here
Lately I’ve been asked several times to articulate my spiritual history, by new clients and friends, acquaintances, and more. I thought I would take a few minutes to articulate the condensed version for a little context on why I am … Continue reading
Tarot for Awaking and Accessing Intuition
I truly love the role that intuition plays in every aspect of my life, creating enhanced harmony and joy in my relationships, home, business, and life. One of the ways that I enjoy accessing my intuition, along with the pendulum, … Continue reading
Socha Says: Dream Bigger
We have another “Socha Says” for you today that expresses some fresh, new beginnings in our Socha Journey. For one, Socha expresses the desire to go deeper with this transmission. Indeed, they do. They enter more deeply the realm of … Continue reading
Socha Says: Community and the Dance of Belonging
Ah, it’s been an interesting couple of weeks with Mercury Retrograde providing some antics on my Internet connection. Did you notice I sent no ezine, offered no blog post last week? Well, you were in my thoughts and blessings, but … Continue reading