This video-post has been about four months in the making. We had some technical difficulties with the audio track, but with Dana Nöllsch’s persistence, we now have Socha’s thoughts on soul contracts. All in divine timing, right? With our current trend on talking about relationships, this post fits perfectly here. I have so much gratitude, by the way, to all those who reached out with private messages about your insights and revelations related to the last couple of posts and for sharing them with your friends. I feel the love!
In this video, Socha encourages us to take the eagle-view of our lives, including the perspective that we’ve enjoyed many lives and agreed to make certain contracts on behalf of our soul-growth – for specific people to come into our lives, for the cultures we experience, our appearance, ethnicity, archetypal expressions, sense of destiny, and more.
Here are a few quotes from Socha to ponder:
You have this affinity for certain people who come into your life and you feel an immediate kinship. These people are part of your soul family who offer to support you in some ways. Those who love you the most offer you the toughest lessons. ~ Socha
If you feel you are off your path, look at the archetypes that call to you and see if and how you are aligning with those archetypes. ~ Socha
There are many ways to create your destiny. You are the master of your experience. You are empowered to live the destiny of your choice. ~ Socha
What lights you up? What calls to your heart? Follow that to experience happiness, joy and love. ~ Socha
The more you express your joy, the more others perceive permission to express their joy and love. ~ Socha
Your soul contract is to be love, to feel love. It’s as simple as that. ~ Socha
Some ponderings for you:
Who in your life has brought you the most soul growth? Who are you most drawn to now?
In taking the eagle-view of your life, what do you perceive as your greatest learning?
What archetypes most resonate with you? How are you expressing them?
What is “destiny” to you? Do you dare to embrace it?