Sage Spirit Blog

Tag Archives: relationships
Short-Cut to Shadows
I’ve shared many times on the value of shadow-work in expanding our consciousness in this blog space (you can search “shadow” here to see them, if you wish). Here’s just a simple review of how to dig in and do … Continue reading
Conscious Evolution Tip: Control & Surrender
Socha reminds us: The infant knows that she is one with the mother. Soon she learns that the mother may be gone, that she can be alone, and that she can feel isolated. When we believe, as we’ve been taught, … Continue reading
Conscious Evolution and Embracing Alchemy
How beautiful to let go and to BE held in the arms of the Universe! As we engage with our conscious evolutionary journeys, our vibration increases. This means we feel more joy, love, creativity. I like to think of it … Continue reading
Socha Says: Relationships
We have another “Socha Says” video to offer you today, this one focused on what seems to be a hot topic for so many in our world these days: personal and professional relationships. This one was filmed during a Labor … Continue reading