
Sage Spirit Blog

a gathering space for conscious, creative, intuitive, fun, loving earthlings and their ideas. if you’re here, you belong.

More news! More change! More transformation!

Harmony Visions Sacred Circle

Once upon a time, I resisted or slowed the pace of change in my life in order to preserve what little sense of grounding I tend to have. I think I’m getting better at maintaining my center even as I allow my life’s currents to have their way with me. By letting go of my illusion of control (though I am nowhere near “cured”), I am finding that manifestation is occurring more powerfully and more quickly. I celebrate many things, feeling freer than ever from my humble little fear-programs. Yay!

We have an exciting new announcement. Effective June 1, Sage Spirit will be moving local offices to join with Nora Ann Shannon and Paris Almond of Sierra Sunrise Wellness Group  and Sierra Sunrise Yoga. For the many years I’ve known Nora Ann, I’ve always seen her as empowered visionary full of creativity and integrity, showing up in service to community. Each time we come together to create, I feel the synergy, magic and potential. Paris Almond is an amazing support to Sierra Sunrise, as well as brilliant artist, art teacher and Art TheraPlay facilitator. Both Nora Ann and Paris studied Reiki through Sage Spirit. I feel so deeply blessed to partner with these amazing souls while maintaining the autonomy of Sage Spirit.

In addition, Sierra Sunrise, and the soon-to-be new home for Sage Spirit, is the amazing GuiDenby’s Professional Offices at 855 South Center Street. From the GuiDenby web site:

GuiDenby’s professional offices received LEED Gold designation for their outstanding sustainable features, in addition to numerous design awards. The design and construction of our own offices served as an opportunity not only to showcase our work, but also to set an example of what corporate responsibility can mean in respect to the environment, the building’s occupants and neighbors, and the community as a whole.

GuiDenby Offices

GuiDenby Offices

So, as you can see, GuiDenby also sports the spirit of creativity and integrity, while honoring the Earth and community. It’s a perfect fit for Sage Spirit on several level. Our new office is on the second floor, south facing with a lovely view, wood flooring and a sweet ambiance. We also have – in addition to the yoga studio – a sweet space for workshops and gatherings. This space will be available for rent and for partnering projects. Bring us your ideas and insights, and Nora Ann and I are happy to fold your visions-of-service into the broader dream!

At the same time, OdaBe’s expansion continues to unfold. We picked the art for the tipi, and I spoke with Nomadics Tipi Makers again today. The poles and canvas are complete, and the artist begins hand-drawing this week. We may have our tipi by Memorial Weekend. Don’t be surprised if we send notice on facebook, inviting the community to come and help or be witness to the tipi raising. Why not make it a party?

In a vision last weekend, I was shown many things about the healing potential of the tipi through ceremony in community. I was guided to go through a three-day, three-night vision quest with the sacred pipe, and to gain a ceremonial poncho with a head covering of Peruvian origin. They gave me these smallish steps to take, once the tipi is here, with the promise that so much more is yet to be revealed. More and more, I realize that the tipi has almost nothing to do with Dana and me. Rather, it is an expression of gifting to the community and to the broader All-That-Is in-service in ways not yet seen but only imagined. This only fuels more excitement for me, knowing how much my humble little life is part of something so much bigger. Of course! It’s so true for us all!

Today, I finished a very sweet Tipi Tarot spread to gain clarity on our mission. This is now it unfolded.

Tipi Tarot Spread

Tipi Tarot Spread

The tipi issues in a time of abundance for the community, where we show up in service to All-That-Is, “smoking the people’s prayers” with the sacred pipe. Supporting one another, we learn to transcend our stories and our fears (individually and collectively), to embrace lives of magic, mystery, poetry, creativity, sensuality, intuition, joy, pleasure, love and healthy relating. We strengthen our spiritual muscles while living in harmony, grounded and honoring our Earth and her cycles. We allow our hearts, and the power of our inspirations, to guide our dreams and creations. We choose love. All that we create and InJoy emanates to the whole of the world, in the greater good of All.

If you have not already joined us for Reiki workshops, Sacred Circles, or other events at OdaBe, we continue to hold out our arms to welcome you. For all you regular Beings-of-Joy who grace us regularly, we are so excited to take this next leap with you. We thank you again and again for your support of our vision, our community gatherings and Sage Spirit.

We do have a few changes to the calendar that we shared in last week’s blog:

  • Our next Sacred Circle will be on Sunday, May 17 so that we may welcome a traveler who is eager to experience our community
  • The following Sacred Circle will fold in the tipi ceremony on Sunday, June 14
  • Our Reiki Master Teacher Certification and Reiki Salon for Masters will be the weekend of October 3-4 to avoid conflict with Burning Man celebrations

And so Dana and I depart for a beloved camping vacation, to nourish our own souls, spirits, minds and bodies in harmonious union with the Earth and simplicity. I will check in once more through this blog and newsletter when we return and settle ourselves, in a couple of weeks or so. Until then, infinite blessings, Beloveds, and may all your creations bring you Joy in Abundance.


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