Just as once I shimmied onto the skinny branches of love and relating, now I do so in my Cosmic Galactic Shaman Sky Dance. Last August, Tim Glenn offered me a solar return reading (these are a great way to look at emerging themes each year around birthdays). In my reading, Tim said that this would be my year of coming into BEing as Galactic Shaman.
That sounds really cool, but what the heck is a Galactic Shaman?
Tim explained how my shamanic tradition and practices helped me to connect with the Earth in new ways. Now I would be free to open my consciousness to the stars.
What is a Galactic Shaman?
I found this definition on-line:
A Galactic Shaman is one who experiences Earth, the Solar System and the Galaxy, as All existing within. This is a state of awareness that allows one to feel and live in an expanded (galactic) reality. This reality permeates and interpenetrates this dimension and encompasses the dimensional realms where matter exists in a state of (sub-atomic) potential. The Galactic Shaman is an archetype for ‘Consciousness’ made manifest, or ‘Consciousness’ transforming from “form” back to energy. Their purpose is to provide an alchemical anchor…assisting and enabling humanity and the Universe in the evolutionary process of constant transformation of Soul Consciousness in the physical/non-physical realms.
Is it just me, or does this imply some mighty big boots? In a metaphor that Tim Glenn uses often, I felt like the new little strawberry, green and trembling on the vine, wondering how on earth I would ever figure out how to turn red. But that little strawberry doesn’t need to know. It just happens. It’s evolutionary!
So I trusted. I opened up to guidance. And I lucked out. Continue reading