
Sage Spirit Blog

a gathering space for conscious, creative, intuitive, fun, loving earthlings and their ideas. if you’re here, you belong.

In the Wake of wisdomkeepers

How were the equinox/new moon/eclipse energies for you? How has the space felt since, as we approach the full moon and another eclipse, of the moon this time? These portal energies are so incredibly potent if we harness them towards meeting our potential. How are you using them to your advantage? You may consider the value of making conscious choices that align with intended creations, along with focusing on thoughts and activities that feel joyful. I know for me, I got caught up in too much professional focus, not enough fun, and undid my energy body a bit. I bit of laughter and frolicking in friendship, and I’m good as new!

May this portal season bring you infinite blessings. Aho!

On the equinox/new moon/eclipse weekend, Laura Plato and I held our first wisdomkeepers gathering. Oh my! The depth of sharing… the beauty of community and connection… so much gratitude to the wisdomkeepers of all ages and genders who graced us with wisdom and beautify of spirit. We will have another for the summer solstice, June 19-20, and we welcome you to join us, if that feels right.

wisdomkeepers gathering, spring 2015

wisdomkeepers gathering, spring 2015

In the process of preparing, I pondered these aspects and I share here my musings:

What does it mean to be a wisdomkeeper? A leader?

Nora Ann

For me in this moment, my evolving notion of being a wisdomkeeper is a commitment to:
• Being a seeker/learner, allowing the process of disequilibrium (conscious confusion) so deeper truths can emerge (it’s more beautiful to be a seeker than a know-it-all!)
• Choosing loving, authentic expression in each conscious moment
• Allowing heart-wisdom to find me and to express through me
• Being willing to speak and willing to listen
• Embracing everyone and every-wisdom as worthy
• Letting my values live in motion – discernment, integrity, lightness, non-attachment, love, learning and more
• Being a wisdom sharer when invited

wisdomkeepers are known by many names: Earth Keeper, Elder, Healer, Bard, Jester, Sacred Clown, Crone, Stewards of the Sacred, and more.

DanaD & Laura

Being a leader, for me, is a commitment to:
• Walking my talk
• Living and loving my truth, while allowing my truth to evolve, breath by breath
• Being authentic and transparent

Being a leader is not about insisting that anyone else follow. That’s none of my business.

What does it mean that “all wisdom is worthy?”

To me, it’s an acknowledgement that there are many stories and truths. They all add value in their diversity. Without the presence of what feels like“untruth,” I would not have the incentive to seek and define my evolving Truth. It’s an acknowledgement that every bit of wisdom that comes into my experience holds some value in my growth and development. Ah, gratitude!

It’s also an acknowledgement and space-setting that allows for safety in diversity, where we may all express what’s true for us in transparency and trust, in each moment, and where we are also open to listening to varied viewpoints in a respectful way.

What do these concepts mean to you? What thoughts do they inspire for you? I welcome you to share in the comments below, if you wish.

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