
Sage Spirit Blog

a gathering space for conscious, creative, intuitive, fun, loving earthlings and their ideas. if you’re here, you belong.

Category Archives: Abundance Consciousness

Socha Says: Dream Bigger

We have another “Socha Says” for you today that expresses some fresh, new beginnings in our Socha Journey. For one, Socha expresses the desire to go deeper with this transmission. Indeed, they do. They enter more deeply the realm of … Continue reading

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Law of Attraction & Storm-Cloud Thoughts

Abundance consciousness is not the easy way, at least not at first. It requires commitment, focus and persistence. To practice, we re-train our minds to focus on what we desire, even as we acknowledge the reality of what-is. Eventually we … Continue reading

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Spontaneous healing, manifestation and transformation will come when you are ready to release what you think you know of the way things are.~ Socha Don’t get me wrong. I am a lover of words, especially those that go deep to … Continue reading

Posted in Abundance Consciousness, Channeling, Conscious Evolution, Healing, Spirituality | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Socha Says: Importance of Grounding

Socha speaks from Red Rocks in California on the importance of grounding in our spiritual evolution. Grounding is a way of connecting with earth-energies through our root chakra, the energy center each of us has at the base of our … Continue reading

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Distractions, Zombies and Spirit Magic: What to Choose?

A common theme for spiritual teachers and teachings involves an emphasis on spiritual alignment and growth in these magical, evolutionary times. Following our spiritual path can bring us a greater sense of ease and grace, flow and love, and even … Continue reading

Posted in Abundance Consciousness, Channeling, Coaching, Conscious Evolution, Relating, Spirituality | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Heart of Stones

  Years ago I wrote a blog post, “Circle of Stones ,” about the role of ritual in my spiritual journey, along with the powerful inspiration I receive from my stone family. From the stones I’ve gathered from walks at … Continue reading

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Wandering and Lusting

Shamelessly and somewhat spontaneously, I played hooky from responsibility for the better part of three days this week. After a decade of radical introversion, I feel like I’ve been on some wild vacation. So, how did my wandering and lusting … Continue reading

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Finances ~ Releasing Old World Disorder

I feel compelled to share this quote that Laura Bruno offered on Facebook: You do not need to be affected by the economy or man-made conditions. You can create your own personal economic environment of prosperity. If you are willing … Continue reading

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A Love Letter

There’s so much to share, that I barely know where to begin. This article may seem like it’s all about me, but if you follow through, you’ll find that it’s actually a love letter to you. If you are not … Continue reading

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Circle of Stones

I gather a circle of stones. I am grateful to live in a place of natural abundance. At least a dozen species of wildflowers greet me during each walk. I’ve also grown in the habit of noticing the plentiful, powerful … Continue reading

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