
Sage Spirit Blog

a gathering space for conscious, creative, intuitive, fun, loving earthlings and their ideas. if you’re here, you belong.

A Love Letter

There’s so much to share, that I barely know where to begin. This article may seem like it’s all about me, but if you follow through, you’ll find that it’s actually a love letter to you.

If you are not included on my local email list, you may imagine since my last newsletter in December that I’ve dropped off the earth, that I’ve been slacking off, or that I’ve been up to no good… if you’ve thought of me at all. I know you all have busy lives of your own. Those on my local list have been receiving plenty of event notices, as we at Sage Spirit (including Dana, Myo, and SunBear) have been teaching classes, offering free health lectures, and attending community events. I also wrote an article on Reiki, printed in the Reno News and Review. (http://www.newsreview.com/reno/content?oid=1912831)

Here’s how it’s gone down… In December, I cleared much from my calendar to create space to go within and to explore my intentions for the way 2011 would align with my soul-journey. I completed a 60-day internal cleanse in December and January, while simultaneously clearing away much of the home-clutter, inviting evolution within and without. And, wow, do I feel transformed! So far in 2011, I’ve created so much adventure and abundance that I can hardly believe it myself! And my transformation continues.

Then the earthquakes, tsunamis, nuclear disaster, suffering and confusion among so many people… I’ve been in an interesting place for about a month… feeling the effects, as a highly sensitive person, of these shifting earth energies, along with some of my own process of going deeply within. I feel like I’m pregnant and forced to be patient while wondering what the heck will come out! I’m pretty sure it won’t be a baby. I feel like there’s another huge life shift taking place, and I’m being as still as I can to await the guidance I know awaits me. This hasn’t been easy because I have soooo much going on. My writing of late has been labored, transitional, confusing, even to me. The content within me shifts every couple of minutes or so, and so does my truth, and so does my writing. I often feel like I’m swirling in a tsunami, and I’m paddling frantically just to keep up with myself!

How is your life shifting with the energies of the earth now?

How are you flowing with the waves, and how are you resisting them?

Imagine this: as chaotic as our world continues to be, even in as much as the chaos escalates, I have imagined that I must create order in my life to enjoy the privilege of writing for you. Order in my life? Can you imagine? Ripples of hilarity flowing from me into the cosmos! After coaching from my Reiki Master Teacher (http://laurabruno.wordpress.com/), my life coach (http://www.businessenergetix.com/), and spiritual reader (http://www.soulpurposereadings.com/), I finally see the error of my ways. More cosmic laughter… and I’m learning to take myself less seriously. Harumph!

Have you ever lived by an absurd assumption?

How is this serving you?

How is this holding you back from a life fully lived?

I honor my connection to all of you on my email list, as I have enjoyed personal contact with all of you on some level. You’re not hypothetical to me; rather, you’re my extended family. For me, writing for you through blog or newsletter is about reaching out and providing valuable insights to all who elect to join me on this journey.

In times like these, I believe we all need access to knowledge, wisdom, resources, and community to sort through the chaos of our world and to stay focused on what’s important. We are on the threshold of creating the most amazing world imaginable, if only we may clear away the clutter of personal and collective beliefs, systems and structures which no longer benefit our lives or society as a whole, and we have A LOT of work to do in this regard. This is the perfect time to allow our collective imaginations to dance in the co-creative world of calling forth all that’s beautiful about humanity and our world. What do you desire ~ abundance of love, nurturing, joy, resources, connection, creativity, laughter? Whatever lights you up, I wish all that for you and more.

I too desire connection ~ to be with all of you who are on my list, to offer words that may enrich and inspire you, to be a resource when you feel called to call-upon-me, and to hold loving thoughts and intentions that you all fair well through these times of transition and transformation. I desire to be authentic and transparent, to share my struggles as well as my epiphanies. I intend to share with you “evolutionary tips” that will help you to thrive in these times of transformation. Evolution is a choice, but the alternative is not so appealing to most people. I wish to see you shine, thrive, and dance wildly in celebration of life.

In loving gratitude to know, to see, and to love you all, I set my intention that you’ll hear more from me again soon. Mwah!

What gifts are you offering to the world? Who are you called to BE right now?


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