Sage Spirit Blog

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Photo Gallery – OdaBe, Our Sacred Training Space
“The heart of the Sacred Hoop is the Whirling Rainbow that contains all colors, all experience, all wholeness… Welcome the changes that will allow all creatures to join together as one.” Jamie Sams This is the Heart of this journey, … Continue reading
Why Not Love?
Be willing to vulnerable, naked and rejected. – Trust that you don’t need a fortress around your heart to be safe anymore. Whatever you think is protecting you from the slightest possible pain is actually what’s blocking the softest sweetest … Continue reading
Storms of Life
New Things! I have a couple of newsy things to share, and then a little musing on the complex nature of storms in our reality. I know many have been struggling to make sense and to embrace healing when there … Continue reading
Love in Concentric Circles
The Greatest Lie we ever told ourselves is that we are separate from one another. This tender truth is one that Laura Plato, our ceremonialist minister for our wedding, used to begin and end our wedding. Here’s a guiding vision … Continue reading
All or Nothing
Wisdom is knowing I am nothing. Love is knowing I am everything. And in between the two my life moves. ~ Nisargadatta Maharaj The divergence and/or integration of soul-path and personality has been a theme that’s been really potent and … Continue reading
In the Wake of wisdomkeepers
How were the equinox/new moon/eclipse energies for you? How has the space felt since, as we approach the full moon and another eclipse, of the moon this time? These portal energies are so incredibly potent if we harness them towards … Continue reading
What Can We Learn from Butterfly?
What can we learn from Butterfly? Dancing in the sunbeams as spring approaches A small orange butterfly is doing an awkward dance of surprise at the mysterious boundary that is the kitchen window. “How did this weird thing get here?” he seems to … Continue reading
Spiritual Stamina and the Evolving “Shaman in Love”
There is a question that a warrior has to ask, mandatorily: Does this path have a heart? All paths are the same: they lead nowhere. However, a path without a heart is never enjoyable. On the other hand, a path … Continue reading
All Wisdom is Worthy
Last Saturday, Laura Plato and I shared our ceremony, “Walking the Shamanic Reiki Way: A Wise Woman Ceremony.” What a delight-filled day full of goddess empowerment, joy, love, fun, peace, expansion, faith, harmony, ease and so much more! We had … Continue reading
Journey to Lemuria
Many have asked, “What is the story with Socha? Who are they?” Well, I’ve had glimpses of a shared lifetime with Socha, and as I inquired more deeply of Socha about this, I found that the information is quite timely … Continue reading