
Sage Spirit Blog

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Why Not Love?


Be willing to vulnerable, naked and rejected. – Trust that you don’t need a fortress around your heart to be safe anymore. Whatever you think is protecting you from the slightest possible pain is actually what’s blocking the softest sweetest most gentle healing love from finding its way inside. The willingness to be a transparent human being is the most courageous act you can do with your life. Be willing to experience whatever level of exposure, nakedness, or rejection that you’re afraid to experience, and you’ll find that what you were really running from was only in your imagination. ~ J. Ozwald

Ah, Love shows up in so many wondrous ways, and that doesn’t mean that it’s always easy. Sometimes Love is kind, sometimes passionate. Sometimes love has hard-edges. We may choose to cherish all Loves who help us to come into our enlightenment and empowerment, even the Noble Friends who seem to hurt us the most in the name of Love.

My wiggly way to love…

I believe in conscious evolution, and yet every day I see ways that I fall out of consciousness. I see my shadows and projections. I see the thought patterns within that do not align with my values and the destiny that I create for myself. Every day I show up. I hold the lantern to illuminate all that lies within that I am ready to lovingly embrace and release. I practice the same discernment in my outer-life so that I am supported in my becoming. I show up, courageously healing/wholing myself because I know this is the path to love, to BEing love. There’s no other way to BE. I am. You are. And so it is.

Last July in Mount Shasta for workshops in The Stargate Experience, Alcazar talked about the role of trust in relating. Trusting our loves to be kind and rational, not to break our hearts, etc. is still conditional. Trusting ourselves to be loving, strong, and compassionate, is still conditional. Trusting that everything in our experience – good, bad, and ugly – is here in service to our higher selves and our evolution… well that just seems to open space for accepting and embracing All the ways that Love presents in our lives. Without resisting what-is, we have more energy to show up as Love.

May Love be gentle with you today, and may you BE gentle with yourselves. In the Name of Love.

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