Sage Spirit Blog

Tag Archives: Intuition
Cosmic Visibility, Intuition and the Conscious Evolutionary
I have struggled with visibility, or as one client so eloquently labels it, exposure. Launching the web site was a huge hurdle for me in allowing for visibility. The source of my hurdle may be described practically as simple shyness. … Continue reading
Unabashed Truth of a Spiritual Entrepreneur
Are you an entrepreneur by nature or a reluctant one? Are you thinking of starting up your own business or partnerships, aligning with your dream or destiny? Or have you recently taken that big step, wondering what is next and … Continue reading
Planning in a World of Transition
I’ve been discussing transition and transformation in my former two blogs. As many know, I’m the consummate planner. FranklinCovey trainings and products pushed me over the edge from planning-obsessive to planning-accomplished. But what of planning now in this age of … Continue reading