
Sage Spirit Blog

a gathering space for conscious, creative, intuitive, fun, loving earthlings and their ideas. if you’re here, you belong.

Eclipse Empowerment

How are those eclipse energies working for you? Wow! It’s been intense for many of us… in good ways, and sometimes in some profoundly uncomfortable ways. Last month, at our Sage Spirit Stargate Gathering, a really cool meditation came through me, and afterward I felt called to record it as a Facebook Live event. I’ve been listening daily since, and I’m finding more and more of my fears dissolve and my sense of empowerment expand. I apologize for the delay in getting this posted here, but I hope this will help to tune you up for the remaining eclipse season. You likely already know, but August 21 is the big day for the solar eclipse following today’s lunar eclipse. But we will be feeling these energies into September and the next full moon.

For more information on The Stargate Experience, visit www.thestargateexperience.com.


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