
Sage Spirit Blog

a gathering space for conscious, creative, intuitive, fun, loving earthlings and their ideas. if you’re here, you belong.

Cultivating and Celebrating Gold

"May your path through the universe be a happy one, as you are swinging on the stars and dodging the meteors." ~ Mary Lee Fulkerson, A Basket of Blessings (artist unknown)

“May your path through the universe be a happy one, as you are swinging on the stars and dodging the meteors.” ~ Mary Lee Fulkerson, A Basket of Blessings (artist unknown)

Visualize yourself being able to recognize the raw truth about the people you care about. Imagine that you can see how they already embody the beauty their souls’ codes have promised as well as how they still fall short of embodying that beauty. Picture yourself being able to make them feel appreciated even as you inspire them to risk changes that will activate more of their souls’ codes. ~ Rob Brezsney

Being willing to lead with a tender, vulnerable heart reigns as champion-gift for ourselves and others. May you see others’ true hearts today. Bigger still, may you be willing to be seen, feeling the warmth of the sun kiss your face.

We have all been doing so much shadow work, looking deep within to discover the hidden and repressed aspects, those shaped by so much social conditioning to help us “fit in.” Today I celebrate all the golden shadows who BE in my world, those who show me the most beautiful aspects of the human condition and all the ways I may yet grow my beauty. Our Sagey-Spirity community is abundant with such BEings, who are willing to look in the scary shadows, and who are also willing to choose light, love, authenticity, transparency, self-care, altruism, service, faith, joy, fun, family, unity and so much more. My heart soars and my spirit flies ever higher.

You are the Heart-of-the-World. You BE empowered to transform everything… within and without.

Event Notice

If you are ready to come together in community for growth, support, and inspiration, we welcome you to join us at our upcoming gatherings. Here’s a current listing. Of particular note, we have another all-day Stargate Gathering in the Tipi on June 4. Come nestle into the womb of the Earth and dance in the Stars, in loving community. The sky’s the limit… Here’s a link to our facebook event. We also have an upcoming Sacred Circle on “Celebration.” Join us as we celebrate summer solstice and our loving community. Whatever we co-create, it will be sweet soul food. Here’s a link to the facebook event. If you’re already in our Reiki and/or Sacred Circle community, I will soon send you a special invitation that includes location and logistic information.

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