
Sage Spirit Blog

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Into the Void

Photo by Dana Nollsch www.PhotoZen.us

Photo by Dana Nollsch www.PhotoZen.us

Earlier this month, Laura Plato blogged about her leap into the void. At the time she published, I could very much relate. Now I feel myself even more deeply drawn into an abyss of change, transformation, and also of uncertainty. I took a couple weeks away from my blog just to allow the uncertainty to flow over me, without much added DOing in my days and daze. In this space, I felt certain of one thing: that I would find a new clarity and perhaps even a new direction. In the meantime, however, I just felt uneasy. BIG TIME uneasy. I felt my spirit guides nudging me – in every moment when I would grant them a smidgeon of conscious awareness – to just slow down and to let them come fully through with their message. It took one powerful Reiki session, with me receiving, for me to slow down enough and for their messages to begin to reach me. Gosh how I love that Reiki! I am craving it more than ever – to share, to receive and to Reiki-nurture myself in moments of stillness.

And the downloads and inspirations have been nearly constant since that Reiki session last week, in terms of both the personal and professional aspects of my life. Many of you know me as the “Bring It Girl.” It’s true! My fiery, passionate nature often encourages me to bite life in big chunks. All the same, it can unsettle me to undergo rapid changes (part of the human condition and our survival mechanisms), and it can often unsettle those closest to me too. This can be profoundly uncomfortable for me, as an empath and as one who loves very deeply and nurtures grandly (at least in my telling of the story). I always remember to add, “with ease!” when I utter the “bring it!” phrase, and, “for the greater good of us all.”

At the same time, I am reminded that how when we evolve or choose to align more closely with our dharma, we often end up leaving others behind who no longer feel the deep connection and resonance once shared. Divergent paths may emerge. Tough choices must be made. Surrender may be the spiritual high road, but our earth-minds seldom see the humor or benefit, favoring rather the illusion of control.

And yet deeper into the void I find myself drifting… embracing the shadows as much as the light. I slouch and slink – in deep, present, held-breath moments – into that which awaits me. And I recognize the power of my co-creative potential of late, carefully choosing my thoughts, words, and path. I am feeling blessed, somewhat overwhelmed, sad, expectant, and very excited. I remember to trust myself, my intuition, and my connection to the Divine. I remember to release my attachments, focusing my intentions instead on the greater good, however that may choose to show up, perhaps even beyond my reckoning.

I remind myself daily of Proterrian’s three step formula to guide our evolution:

1. Come from a loving heart

2. Put one foot in front of the other

3. Walk in faith

How do you create the stillness that your intuition demands of you?

How are you in relation to “the void”?

What transformations have you experienced there?

How do you create ease in times like these?



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