
Sage Spirit Blog

a gathering space for conscious, creative, intuitive, fun, loving earthlings and their ideas. if you’re here, you belong.

Tania Marie: Guest Post on Personal Power & Alchemy

Tania Marie

Tania Marie

Today we have another guest blog post, created originally from a facebook post, from Tania Marie, whom you may remember from a former post on “Mirror Reflections: Integrating Spirit and Form” and “Do You Wear a Spiritual Disguise.” Tania is a truly gifted artist, channeling beautiful paintings, portraits, murals, tattoos, jewelry and more. We also studied Reiki together and have enjoyed a beautiful friendship ever since, even though we rarely see each other. Our spirits are joined as sisters-of-the-heart and sharing a meal and conversation with Tania truly delights my spirit. I hope you enjoy these timely and empowering thoughts on alchemy.

Tania's personal power image

Here’s Tania:

The more you practice your personal power and connection to the abundant and creative Source of your beingness from which we all are connected to, the more you will learn to refine your skills and connect with the alchemy you are naturally attuned to at the core.

You have never been more supported and loved than you are right now to reclaim the power of your purity.

It’s important to check in with yourself daily and even moment to moment to notice how you are feeling and where your energy levels are. Sometimes you give away your energy and power to things like getting stuck in old (or even present) stories (your own or other’s), are holding anger, frustration, grudges, hurts, disappointments, anxiety, etc. about things that are depleting your energy, rather than fortifying it.

It’s not important to be “right” about something or to obsess about how “wrong” someone else is. Everything has a way of working itself out without you trying to manipulate, control, or act as supreme judge over it. Let it go and focus on the magic you have available to create a new reality.

Trying to escape things by leaving your body, whether literally or through addictions of any kind, will only further separate you from reclaiming your power. Being in your body and fully conscious of all of you, to be able to feel things so you can discern what is you and what is not, being able to utilize your own personal power to achieve certain experiences, and to move in and out of things by an alchemical process YOU create YOURSELF by integrating all of your parts, will bring you into the wholeness of your creative beingness.


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