
Sage Spirit Blog

a gathering space for conscious, creative, intuitive, fun, loving earthlings and their ideas. if you’re here, you belong.

Hearts, Portals to Love, Stargates & Tipis

Black Moon Stone Heart in Hand

Being willing to lead with a tender, vulnerable heart reigns as champion-gift for ourselves and others. May you see others’ true hearts today. Bigger still, may you be willing to be seen, feeling the warmth of the sun kiss your face. You are the Heart-of-the-World. You BE empowered to transform the everything. Thank you. I love you

Even deeper… I notice that people I know are willing to share so much of their dreams, fears and struggles. What this allows is the opportunity for us to show up for one another much bigger. When we express our sweet vulnerabilities, we create safety for others to do the same. We create connection, understanding, compassion, joy and love in deeper ways. I feel so blessed to be connected to remarkable luminous warriors. Thank you. Bring me more.

Amazing news! We have a really special event coming up on Saturday, April 2: Our first all-day Stargate Intensive in the Tipi! We began holding evening Stargate Gatherings in August, and we are delighted to extend out this offering to support even more our conscious evolutionary journeys.

Stargate Mandala & Tipi

Sage Spirit Stargate: An All-Day Gathering in the Tipi

I welcome you to join us for our first all-day “Sage Spirit Stargate Gathering,” in the tipi at OdaBe (our sacred EarthStar sanctuary). I intend to create a courageous space for sharing authentically, transparently, and lovingly in support of our individual and collective evolution. I will be sharing The Stargate Experience meditations and energies to support our evolution in consciousness.

Since space is limited, so list yourself as “going” as soon as you’re sure that you can attend and we will hold space for you. If your plans change, let us know so that we can invite someone else. Also, please plan to arrive on-time to set the space and honor the meditation.

WHERE: Reno North Valleys Private Residence (information provided with registration)

WHEN: Saturday, April 2, 2016 from 10am to 5pm

COST: Price includes lunch, snacks, coffee/tea

  • $133 if prepaid by March 25, 2016; $155 if pre-registered and paid on-site
  • Send payment to Sage Spirit, PO Box 8854, Reno, NV 89507 (or contact me to pay through PayPal, denise@sagespiritcoaching.com)

WHAT TO BRING: Pillow and blanket for snuggling up, water bottle, journal, anything needed for your own special nutritional  needs (we will have vegan soup & salad for a lite lunch with snacks through the day)

To register or to inquire about this course, please contact Denise, Sage Spirit Coaching & Reiki at 775.240.0814 or denise@sagespiritcoaching.com
Stargate & Lemurian Crystals

I am so looking forward to entering new dimensions of experience together in this expanded format where we may go deeper into the energies. I cannot tell you how delighted I am to be sharing with you the wisdom that emerges from the Stargate. Sharing the Stargate in the tipi has been a dream and vision since I first came upon this adventure. Diving timing… “Thank you, Universe, bring me more.”

Loving you All…


Here’s a summary of some benefits you may receive from these meditations:

  • Healing/balancing energies (spontaneous healing)
  • Clear limiting beliefs and patterns (judgements)
  • Enhance intuition
  • Become more conscious
  • Raise vibration to feel and communicate with our angels and spirit guides
  • Activate dormant DNA to access more of our unique gifts and potential
  • Evolve the planet to higher frequencies of love
  • One of the most important teachings for those who follow the law-of-attraction: “Thank you. Bring me more.” This is an acknowledgement that your recognize the Universe as abundant and allowing. The more we use this phrase consciously, the more potent the invocation becomes.

You’ll find our facebook event page here.  Visit here for more information on The Stargate Experience, and my blog post here.

Just one more FYI: I will be headed to Mount Shasta in July for two more training events offered by The Stargate Experience. The latter is a four-day intensive open to anyone on July 21-24. Is it just me or would it be fun come together with others from our community to enjoy a wonder-filled shared experience? Click here for the calendar of events and more information.

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