We are all expressions of the Divine, in all the ways we show up. Who are we to judge?
It’s cliché, but I unapologetically say it anyway.
Your life matters. If you had a Scrooge moment here-and-now with those ghosts of past-present-future, you would witness remarkable ways that you’ve altered others’ world views and life experiences for the better. You would see the Magic of your soul expressed in ways you’ve never imagined.
There are times, too, when you’ve played the fool, heart-breaker, sacred clown, noble friend, or sacred cow. Even then, you played a divine role in the path of the others, helping them to see the aspects within themselves that needed healing and integration.
At times, Love put on shoes and walked out the door. You wondered if you would ever feel worthy again. You are. You always will be.
In all roles, in all ways, you are an expression of the Divine. You ARE Divine.
When I think of you, of me, and of the divine comedy, well my heart just opens right up, my love expands, my joy magnifies, my sad-and-happy tears blend and flow. I embrace our Unity with our Divinity.
We serve Love and Truth, always and in all ways. How blessed we BE.
Oceans of Love