
Sage Spirit Blog

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The Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence

Bruka Theatre, "39 Steps," Photo by Dana Nollsch, www.PhotoZen.us -

Bruka Theatre, “39 Steps,” Photo by Dana Nollsch, www.PhotoZen.us –

I have always been a huge fan of intellect and academia, so much so that I stayed in college for over a decade and worked at the University of Nevada for over twenty years. I’ve learned, however, that the mind’s influence alone can be so over-rated in creating a quality life. Expanding our heart consciousness and intuitive knowing changes everything in our experience for the better. You make a difference. You matter in the global scheme. What you do to heal yourself, to come into a space of love and appreciation, contributes to the healing of us all. We are one.

I hope you enjoy this video from the Institute of HeartMath, which offers, “an overview of the amazing and vital role of the heart in our lives, and how our personal energetics shapes our social relationships and ultimately affects global consciousness.” What I’ve found is that Reiki and conscious evolution coaching profoundly contribute to our expanded consciousness, healing, and creating quality lives.


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