My Spiritual quest/path had come to a plateau and I felt not stuck, but just moving forward and not raising my vibration. I was searching for an avenue to access my Indigenous Roots. Then, the Sky Spirit Program Blog appeared. It touched my heart with pangs of familiarity. I had no question that this was my next step. The three magical days spent with Denise at OdaBe were heightened by her willingness to share the incredible store of knowledge and experience Denise possesses. Importantly also, how each one of us was encouraged in our uniqueness. Yet how our uniqueness was so crucial for the whole to exist. I was enlightened by Sacred Energy from the Earth, Sky, from the Angels and Archangels, from Guides present and past, from Jesus and Mary and Source Herself. My world changed from black and white to Color. I know this is how it is supposed to be. My Vibration has soared yet I feel the calmness of knowing this is just the beginning of a journey which will be the best chapter of the book of my life. This is where I will have opportunities to answer my questions in order to be of the service I was put on this Earth to be. Anything is possible and Everyone is capable. My path is to live in that example and to encourage that existence. This is the opportunity to reach that goal. Sue Rosewood, Reno, NV, 3.28.17