In our transforming world today, many of us experience...

  • Transition in career, relationships, home environment, or other areas of life.
  • Toxic work environments, unhealthy relationship patterns, fear or self-defeating beliefs.
  • Concern in the face of today's global problems, wondering what we can do to help.

How would our world shift if we all learned to offer our unique gifts, raise our vibration and happiness quotient, and come from a loving heart? This is the path to our evolution and to creating heaven on earth!


supporting conscious evolution by unleashing vital wisdom and promoting vibrant health


At Sage Spirit Coaching & Reiki, we empower you to live your passionate, full-potential life:

  • Release all blockages that impede your expression of true self
  • Live your essence with confidence, integrity, gratitude, love & joy
  • Experience vibrant health & enhanced intuition
  • Release your unique gifts into the world
  • Create sustainable life transformation
  • Contribute to our global, cultural transformation

Our Mission: Create a space where everyone fully expresses their potential,
identifies and creates their authentic paths, lives their wildest dreams,
and contributes to a healthy, vibrant, joyful new way of being in the world.


Resource for Transformation & Conscious Evolution

First and foremost, here at Sage Spirit, we hold space and intention for all of us to experience the life we desire, full of love, joy, peace, and abundance. We desire for this site to be a resource for you and your on-going development, your Glossary Link conscious evolution, wrapping your spirit in a community of consciousness, unconditional love and high vibrational energies. We welcome you to visit our library, or to come by our blog and leave your comments, connecting with community in this way.

We work with many Glossary Link spiritual entrepreneurs. Are you creative? Spiritual? Do you feel a sense of calling or a burning life purpose? Whether the path is discovered or yet unknown, we're here for you! We offer a unique blend of spiritual, intuitive Glossary Link life coaching with Shamanic Glossary Link Reiki, along with workshops and other valuable services, that gently but powerfully remove barriers and challenges while empowering personal gifts, goals, and dreams, so that our lives align with our highest potential, our divine destiny and purpose.

Services and classes are provided by Denise Sheehan, a Certified Professional Coactive Coach, Certified Reiki Master Teacher, Shaman, and Stargate Experience Facilitator.




Sage Spirit News


Complimentary Article and More!

Begin living a more conscious life today! We're offering a free article to those who subscribe to our newsletter: "Simple Strategies to Promote Glossary Link Conscious Evolution." Add your email address to the link at the top of the home page and you will be directed to the article. In addition, you'll also receive a coupon for 25% off of a Glossary Link Reiki session, done in-person or through distance Reiki.


Community News


New Community Certification Program: Sky Spirit Shamans

Introducing our newest Certification Program –Sky Spirit Shamans: The Medicine Path of the Heart-Full Healer, For the Healing of All Our Relations

In embracing this destiny, a path where my heart, soul and spirit meet service, Sky Spirit Shamans is birthed, an offering for our community and world, in deepest humbleness, honoring and gratitude to the Ancient Ones, our Ancestors, and all the Indigenous People and Cultures who have provided healing wisdom since time immemorial. Sky Spirit Shamans is a two-year intensive program, beginning in March 2017, where participants are empowered to embody deeper expressions of:

• Healing from the inside out

• Awakening archetypal and innate shamanic capacities

• Integrating Glossary Link Reiki, Medicine Wheel, Shamanic Healing, Stargate Experience, Conscious Channeling, Rites, Rituals, Ceremony and Glossary Link Life Coaching for healing self and others

• Walking the path of the heart-full healer accessing, creating, and sharing wisdom for the greater good of us All

Learn more by visiting this page or contacting us, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it